GB Electrics are constantly working on multiple large main switchboard at any given time. Our streamlined systems and 28 years of expertise in heavy busbar jobs means we can get your board to site in record time.
If you have a job that needs to be done in a hurry give us a call on (07) 3205 7388 and we will sort a quote out for you. If you have a complex job we will happily sit down with you and develop a switchboard to meet your custom requirements. We can do control work, heavy wiring, Distribution Boards and even rush sheet metal work like Meter Panels and Hat Sections if need be.

We manufacture our boards in-house. That means your rush job can be prioritised by us. We won’t be waiting on any outside manufactures to do our sheet metal fabrication or powder coating. We have the ability to leap frog your job to the front of the queue if you have a tight lead time. Usually a board can take 3-6 weeks to build depending on size and complexity.
GB Electrics have been known to deliver 4 tier boards like the grey one above in 1 week if your job needs an emergency build.
Whilst we deliver in time frames that are unmatched by other Brisbane Switchboard Builders we ensure the quality is of the highest standard. AS/NZS 61439 is the new series of standards for low-voltage (LV) switchgear and control gear assemblies. AS/NZS 61439 will supersede AS/NZS 3439 in 2021. The standard series is an adoption of the IEC 61439 series, with variations to include Australian and New Zealand conditions.
Don’t get caught out with a switchboard builder that is not compliant to the new standard. If they do not have a type test that meets this standard and your board is required to do so, it will most likely be rejected from site. This can be very costly experience to yourself and your builder.
GB electrics will be able to discuss the new standard (AS/NZS 61439) with you if you have any questions.
Our custom switchboards are built exceptionally well. We take pride in our work and make sure every switchboard that leaves is thoroughly tested to meet these standards.
We had a number of large main switchboards leaving last month. Check out this 6.6 metre long heavy bus bar job below.
This job included two ACB’s, Supply Authority Isolator and Supply Authority CT’s.